Lustige IRC Quotes :>


Titel is Programm :> fang mal an :giggle:

[22:55] <Yan> .mypenis
[22:55] <@FunBot> The length of Yan's penis is: 29,3 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[22:55] <Yan> o/
[22:55] <@Xyclone> zu lang
[22:55] <@Xyclone> glaubt niemand
[22:55] <@Xyclone> .mypenis
[22:55] <@FunBot> The length of Xyclone's penis is: 2,18 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[22:55] <@Xyclone> ...
[22:55] <@Xyclone> stirb
[22:55] <Yan> hahahahahahah
[22:55] <Sven|smile> ! :biggrin:
[22:55] <@Xyclone> drecks
[22:55] <@Xyclone> bot
[22:55] <Sven|smile> hahahahha :biggrin:
[22:55] <+Lukas|AeA> .mypenis
[22:55] <@FunBot> The length of Lukas|AeA's penis is: 9,11 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[22:55] <@rampi|magic> süß markus :biggrin:


[15:03:36] * Tinkerbell ( has joined
[15:03:47] <Sven|smile> .mypenis
[15:03:47] <@FunBot> The length of Sven|smile's penis is: 12,97 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[15:03:54] <Lukas|AeA> pff
[15:03:54] <Sven|smile> er is noch klein :biggrin:
[15:04:07] <Tinkerbell> na dann wurde es ja zeit das ich komme
[15:04:08] <Lukas|AeA> <@FunBot> The length of Lukas|AeA's penis is: 38,1 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[15:04:30] <Lukas|AeA> .bj 10000
[15:04:30] <@FunBot> Lukas|AeA, bet 10'000$ on a hand of blackjack. Lukas|AeA's hand: K | 4 : Total is 14 - Dealer's hand: 7 | ?
[15:04:30] <@FunBot> Hit Stand or Double? ('H' or 'S' or 'D')
[15:04:33] <Lukas|AeA> h
[15:04:34] <@FunBot> Lukas|AeA hits: K : Total is 24
[15:04:34] <@FunBot> Lukas|AeA busts! Lukas|AeA loses $10000. - (antispam 30sec)
[15:04:38] <Sven|smile> .mypenis
[15:04:38] <@FunBot> The length of Sven|smile's penis is: 1,67 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[15:04:39] <Lukas|AeA> Ich spiel nicht mehr
[15:04:41] <Sven|smile> -.-
[15:04:41] <Lukas|AeA> haha

und noch einen:
[20:51:12] <Yan> der der den groesseren hat is yan
[20:51:17] <Yaan> kay
[20:51:25] <Yaan> .mypenis
[20:51:25] <@FunBot> The length of Yaan's penis is: 6,30 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[20:51:28] <Yaan> fu
[20:51:37] <Yan> .mypenis
[20:51:37] <@FunBot> The length of Yan's penis is: 2,45 cm. - (10 seconds till next question)
[20:51:40] <+Lukas|AeA> haha
[20:51:40] <Yan> daaaaamn
[20:51:42] <Yan> hahahha
[20:51:42] <claudi> hahahahahah

Svens Ban :biggrin:

[23:26:59] * FunBot sets mode: +b *!*
[23:26:59] * Sven|smile was kicked by FunBot (You've won a ban! // Tempban: 30sec // ID: 2354)
[23:27:01] <@FunBot> lol. (antispam 20 sec)
[23:27:02] <@FunBot> MultiPlayer BlackJack - 'Join' command locked! Players are: NARF, Lukas|AeA - First Player is: NARF - Use .card or .stand
[23:27:11] <NARF> .card
[23:27:11] <Lukas|AeA> HAHAHAHA
[23:27:14] <NARF> .stand
[23:27:14] <@FunBot> MultiPlayer BlackJack - NARF 's turn is over. Next picker:
[23:27:28] * FunBot sets mode: -b *!*
[23:27:30] <Lukas|AeA> LOL
[23:27:34] <Lukas|AeA> (rofl)
[23:27:36] <NARF> :roflmao:
[23:27:41] <Lukas|AeA> sven wurde gebannt
[23:27:44] <@FunBot> MultiPlayer BlackJack - 's turn is over. Next picker: Lukas|AeA
[23:27:44] -FunBot- Your card: 8 J, Total: 18 - Use: .card or .stand
[23:27:45] <Ele|none> epic
[23:27:46] * Sven|smile ( has joined
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Und nach rejoin o/

<Sven|smile> .gamble
<@FunBot> Sven|smile goes to pull the jackpot arm....
<Lukas|AeA> .money
<@FunBot> Around and around the bars spin...
<@FunBot> And the bars for Sven|smile are: VOICE KICK BAN
<@FunBot> What a nub plZ! (antispam 20 sec)
<Lukas|AeA> sven macht weiter :biggrin:


[13:50] <Lukas|AeA> Also, ich muss mal wieder etwas am Vortrag machen :smile:
[13:50] <Lukas|AeA> .slots
[13:50] <@FunBot> Lukas|AeA pulls the handle... The slots are ( 7 )( cherry )( apple ) - Insert coins o/ - Jackpot: 353'000$!!! (antispam 10secs)
[13:50] <@PlayHouse> [ » Lukas|AeA » (Voice) (Op) (Op) » Das wird so doch nichts... (2815) » Jackpot: 200.522€ » Gewinn: 649€ « ]

suchti ;P


hat den Fame
[19:43] == Tinkerbell has joined
[19:44] == Tinkerbell was kicked from by FunBot [*BOOM* Fear. Go to die nub! (-You have been bombed by clood on -) [2402]]

no teamler :cool:


[19:43] == Tinkerbell has joined
[19:44] == Tinkerbell was kicked from by FunBot [*BOOM* Fear. Go to die nub! (-You have been bombed by clood on -) [2402]]

no teamler :cool:

sagte der noob tage nachdem lukas & narf den chat bereits unsicher gemacht haben :icool:


<_Nick> .mypenis
<PlayHouse> [ _Nicks Penis ist 44,30cm lang ]
<Manu|Intelli53n> .mypenis
<PlayHouse> [ Manu|Intelli53n hat keinen Penis ]